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Command And Conquer Money Trainerl: The Ultimate Cheat Tool for C&C Fans

The Lynchburg Republican takes a hopeful view of affairs and expresses the conviction that the North will be unable to prosecute the war longer than the present year. With an empty treasury, a ruined credit, an enormous public debt, and heavy taxation, it is impossible for her to maintain hostilities of such gigantic proportions as those which the war has now assumed. The Northern volunteers are not fighting from patriotism or for defence, but for pay, and when they cease to get that, they will cease to be soldiers. The grand army will melt away like morning mist, and disorganization and mutiny be the order of the day. The people of the North, too, will proclaim for peace when the tax collector goes around with his drafts upon their purses for the money to foot army bills.--Direct taxation at the rate of three or four hundred millions a year, is more than the dollar-loving Yankee is going to stand. Their attachment to the "glorious Union," and to the "Stars and Stripes," were never known to equal their love of the dime. Patriotism was never known to interfere with their purse. They commenced the war as a money making operation. The loss of the South is a loss of two hundred millions of dollars to the Yankees, but to conquer the South will cost them at least $600,000,000 per annum. This fact is just beginning to break upon their astonished visions. The New York Herald says that something must be done or universal panic and bankruptcy will prevail in the North. "The money question is assuming an alarming shape against six hundred millions of expenditure."--Thus speaks the Herald. The people will soon echo the sentiment, and the administration will be left without money and without friends.

Command And Conquer Money Trainerl


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