I followed CC2531EMK Quick Start Guide to install the Packet Sniffer and insert CC2531 USB dongle in my computer, but it is not recognized as the user guider said it will automatically finish the driver installation, is there any where I can find the driver for CC2531 USB Dongle so that the dongle can be recognized by the computer?
instruction:Could not find device :If the device cannot be found, check whether the driver is installed correctly under Windows, and check whether the dongle is connected to the virtual machine under Linux.
Cc2531 Usb Dongle Driver Downloadl
Edit: Looks like you need to load the driver on Windows before you run it. I believe that the standard driver for the Zigbee dongle. If you have upgraded the firmware under Windows you probably already have it.
I have been tuck at this for a while. I have the latest version of HA, I have updated the dongle with the latest FW (CC1352P2_CC2652P_launchpad_coordinator_20220219.hex) using the TI tool, so I know the PC drivers work. 2ff7e9595c